Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sugar, Sugar! Oh Honey, Honey!

Do you remember that old Archies' song? OK, I'm showing age, but that, my friends, is a beautiful thing to grow old! Some folks don't get that chance because of Type 2 diabetes.

I became more health-conscious way back when my grandmother was diagnosed as a diabetic in her 40's and was told her mother, my Big Momma, had diabetes (they used to call it "the sugar" also.

With little knowledge of why this dis-ease was part of my family history, I set out to eliminate most of the things that I knew they ate which I considered of little nutritional value: breads, cookies, cakes, candy (even chocolate) anything with refined sugars mostly. Basically, I went on this journey for about 25 years and then started adding some things back, especially chocolate! I really prefer dark chocolate & it's lower in sugar than milk chocolate.

It may not have been the most fun for many people, however, so far, I haven't been diagnosed with diabetes. My mother received her diagnosis about 10 years ago, later in age than her mom, but she did start to eat better foods after years of baking cakes, cookies, breads, pies. 

Diabetes in adults is a diet-related dis-ease and with careful planning, it could be reversed depending on your severity. Some use pills, insulin or diet to control the effects of the dis-ease.  

Today's discussion is about those who want to control and manage their diabetes with diet. I'm not going to tell you that this product is going to be the magical solution, I'm going to share with you how others have used this product with great results!

It's called the Healthy Blood Sugar Pak & contains: Beyond Tangy Tangerine w/115 fruits & vegetables; Beyond Osteo-fx with Calcium & Magnesium; Essential Fatty Acids w/Omega 3, 6 & 9 and, Sweet Eze™  & formulated to nutritionally support the regulation of blood sugar levels. There are no promises or guarantees that this will cure anything but maybe you can hear this gentleman's testimonial:

If you want to know more about the Healthy Blood Sugar Pak, you can contact me here or on Facebook at Live Healthy Live Wealthy
Have an awesome day!

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