Monday, October 21, 2013

Hello from Hot Flash Heaven! I'm sharing my freedom from hot flashes and some of the things I've learned (mostly by accident) about nutrition.

I am going to share with you the sort of stuff I've found in my new journey to Health Wellness. I'm still in the financial services arena, and, as I meet people to get them started in their financial game plan, I see more people need to get healthier!

So, I was introduced to a business opportunity; I already have business. Did I need another? I sure do like multiple streams of income so I said "ok". That "ok" turned into "why didn't anyone told me this before!". At a seminar given in the New Yorker Hotel by Dr. Joel Wallach, I learned some very serious facts about our nutritional deficits and why chronic illnesses are rising rapidly,

After that lecture, I went home full of this info and started researching everything I could find on nutrition, health & wellness. Then I thought about my personal finance coaching and saw I could help people to become healthier, have less prescriptions, improve quality of life!

Now, after Bob & I started our Healthy Body Challenge which began early in June of this year, he's gained more mobility, got rid of the back pain he'd suffered with for 25 years by August. I also got rid of my hot flashes after 30 days which were intense and lasted for minutes! The products not only made us feel better, they also made our quality of life better!

The second part of this wonderful, new journey is that we even got a new way to earn income while sharing this information with like-minded people. Do you want health and freedom from sickness...are you like-minded?

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