Thursday, March 27, 2014

Paleo Diets & Activia Yogurt? Root Beer Belly!

I never thought I would see so many diets! Paleo, Atkins, cabbage, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers and the list goes on! Some are diets for weight, some are for digestive reasons. So I looked into the digestive reasons why the Paleo diet is so popular.
Here's what I learned: "Autoimmune disease is caused by the immune system losing the ability to differentiate proteins belonging to your own body with proteins belonging to a foreign invader (like a bacteria, virus or parasite). What causes symptoms is the build up of damage to cells, tissues and/or organs in the body–damage caused by your own immune system attacking those cells. Which proteins/cells are attacked is what separates once disease from another. In Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, the thyroid gland is attacked. In Rheumatoid Arthritis, the tissues of your joints are attacked. In psoriasis, proteins within the layers of cells that make up your skin are attacked. However, the root cause is the same." (The

Now that sounds painful, so, I get why someone would want to do whatever needed to be done to continue to survive!

Okay, we know what autoimmune disease is, let's see what that really means and what it means to you. One of the most important contributors to autoimmune disease is nutrient deficiency (which of course, is built right into the Standard American diet, which while being rich in energy is very poor in actual nutrition).

 First things, first: If autoimmune disease is caused by nutrient deficiency, then we don't want GMO's (genetically modified organisms are made by injecting bacteria or viruses into the DNA of the plant seed). Second, if the nutrients aren't present now, does it matter what the diet is?

To put things into perspective, we need better nutrition! And, we need to increase eating the things that actually help get autoimmune disease into remission! Fresh produce, raw foods are certainly two things you can do right now, today!

The other is to increase your intake of yogurt like Activia which has bifidus regularis (an exclusive probiotic culture).

Maybe, though, you're lactose intolerant...yogurt is not a choice either. Paleo and yogurt not being on the top of everyone's list, what can you do? There are plenty of supplements on the market, however, Root Beer Belly, is my choice! Root Beer Belly has 5 different probiotic cultures and has only 4 calories for each serving vs 120 calories and only 1 probiotic culture.

I also take Omega 3 & 6 daily as well as Beyond Osteo-fx with Beyond Tangy Tangerine from my Healthy Start Pak (HSP). My HSP also has probiotics, whole foods, antioxidants & more nutrients than we can get in our daily foods.One of the cool things about Root Beer Belly is that you sprinkle on your food once a day! Isn't it easy to have the ability to determine which meal or what food to add your sprinkles rather having to take pills or eat the same thing every day?

I encourage you to take a moment and see how Root Beer Belly can help you and your family have an greater quality of life!

Please let me know if you need more info! You are always welcome to stop by and say hello at Live Healthy Live Wealthy on Facebook!

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